Nutrition Coaching

I truly believe that you can live a healthy, balanced lifestyle whilst eating foods you enjoy, without the restriction or taking an all or nothing approach

Work With Me 1:1

I am passionate about all thing’s food and fitness, and I absolutely love working with women and helping them realise just how easy it can be to move their bodies and enjoy a healthy balanced diet and lifestyle. 

I teach and educate women how to match food intake to YOUR goals and make healthy choices based on YOUR preferences.

  • 12 week commitment
  • Focused on EDUCATION, the idea is after the 12 weeks you don’t need a coach because you are confident in making your own nutrition choices based on your preferences, lifestyle and goals.
  • Learn how to eat in a way that supports your goals without giving up the foods you love. 
meal plan, diet, recipes

Are you?

Sick of trying diets and failing?

Sick of telling yourself you will start tomorrow?

Feeling frustrated and stuck and sick of not seeing results?

Sick of falling back into old habits over and over again?

Ready to make change happen and commit to yourself?

Wanting balance, whilst still eating the foods you enjoy?

Wanting to feel confident, educated and healthy?

Ready to create new habits that are aligned with your goals?

Are you ready to?

* Get the results you’ve always wanted—and build the healthy habits you need to stay that way for good.

* Eat better—without dieting or feeling deprived. 

* Get educated – and learn how to maintain your results

What's Included?

  • Free initial online fitness coaching consultation (via phone call)
  • Initial Nutrition Consultation (45 mins-1 hour) – via zoom
  • Weekly Nutrition Consultations (30-45 mins) – via zoom
  • Message support through in-app messaging (contactable Mon-Fri, allow for a 12-24 hr response time)
  • Weekly check ins via app
  • Goal setting and evaluation
  • BONUS Sk Bodyworks Meal Prep Recipe E-book (valued at $40)
  • Access to our exclusive Sk Bodyworks online community
  • Access to nutrition resources and tools
  • Deeply transformative, life changing results
  • Individualised coaching for your goals, lifestyle, personal preferences, training schedule, etc.
  • Habits based coaching and tracking, focused on long term success.
  • Access to the Sk Bodyworks app (upload meal photos, habit and action tracking, communication, log your activity, log sleep, progress tracking, record body stats and progress photos, and much much more!)
  • Full accountability, support, and guidance
  • Basic guidance around training and exercise
  • Daily step goal suited to your lifestyle (if desired and able to track). My app can connect with selected smart watches: apple, fitbit, garmin, etc.
  • Working alongside your allied health professionals (if required) e.g, doctor, specialist, etc.
  • Education on how to read food labels so you are confident in making your own nutrition choices that are aligned with both your preferences and goals

You will get access to the Sk Bodyworks App

Where you will be able to tick off assigned actions/habits on a daily basis (that are aligned with your goals as established in our weekly check ins), log meal photos and note any comments, track goals and progress, log your sleep, log your activity, and much much more!

Sk bodyworks, person trainer, online fitness coach, womens fitness coach, nutrition coach, nutritionist, hawkesbury fitness, womens health, womens fitness, online fitness, online training, shanaye kuntze, fitness app, health app

What we will work through together

This will be different for everyone, as it is 100% individualised coaching and different people will need different support. As a general idea some of the things we will work through together (but not limited to),

  • Learning consistency through small daily tasks and actions.
  • Learn to regulate your eating behaviours.
  • Learning to plan, prioritize and prepare.
  • Matching your energy intake to your goals and needs – monitoring and adjusting energy balance as needed.
  • Learning to choose higher-quality foods more often – establishing a criteria, eating less processed foods and more whole, minimally processed foods and experimenting, upgrading and exploring foods.
  • Accountability for getting regular physical activity, and managing training loads.
  • Resting and recovering – doing purposeful recovery and improving sleep behaviours and environment.
  • Creating a supportive environment – changing your environment to help meet your goals.
  • Regulating emotions without food and eating – learning to identify physical sensations, emotions, and thoughts, and their connections to food and eating and separating urges from behaviours.
  • Providing yourself with adequate nutrients – learning to hydrate properly and education around macronutrients for your awareness and knowledge.
  • Planning workout nutrition to fuel your performance and enhance recovery.
  • Observing, measuring, and analysing nutrition intake – this can look different for everyone depending on goals and needs but could include detailed food logs in the form of in-app meal photos, regular and detailed progress checks, tracking nutrient intake, etc.
  • Supplementing appropriately (if required) – assessing supplement needs and choosing supplements wisely.
  • Determining your energy needs, macronutrient splits or easy to understand hand size portions.
Sk bodyworks, person trainer, online fitness coach, womens fitness coach, nutrition coach, nutritionist, hawkesbury fitness, womens health, womens fitness, online fitness, online training, shanaye kuntze, dinner, meals, recipes


Nutrition Coaching is delivered completely online so you can do it from anywhere in Australia or overseas! (Keep in mind if you are not based In Australia, we just need to work around time differences for our weekly zoom consultations). Consultations are completed via zoom and daily/weekly communication via our very own app.

I do not provide a meal plan and tell you exactly what to eat, as this does not teach you anything. (a sample meal plan can be provided, however this is for guidance and ideas only). We work together on your nutrition choices so that you are enjoying the foods you’re eating, they are somewhat supportive of your goals, correct portion sizes, work in with your preferences and lifestyle, etc. You will be required to upload meal photos into the app for everything you eat so that Shanaye can guide you daily and also provide ideas, suggestions, alternatives, recipes, etc. Nutrition Coaching provides you with very in depth support, guidance and education. Listen to this live video of me chatting about meal plans and why they aren’t always effective.

It isn’t a must or required for everyone’s goals – unless you have extreme body composition goals, playing professional sport, or training to compete in a body building competition, etc, then you would be required to count calories to get the results you’re after. But for most of us, it’s definitely not a must.​​​​​​​​

So the answer is no if it’s not required to reach your goals, there are much easier ways to track calories/macros such as using hand size portions. If you are absolutely wanting to, I will certainly guide you through it each step of the way though.

My fitness app can connect with My Fitness Pal.

Nutrition coaching includes accountability around training and exercise but only VERY basic guidance. You are able to add on another service such as online fitness coaching or personal training if you require structure, education or an exercise program.

If the Client needs to cancel or reschedule a nutrition consultation for whatever reason, they must provide at least 48 hours notice prior to the scheduled consultation time via text message. Failure to do so will mean they forfeit the consultation. If the Client provides more than 48 hours’ notice, rescheduling the consultation is subject to our availability for that given week only. If the Coach is unable to accommodate another day/time for that week, then the Client will completely forfeit the consultation. If this occurs, the Client must provide required check in information to the Coach via email or in-app messaging.

The Client understands if they are late to a consultation that it must still finish on time.

After 12 weeks of nutrition coaching, you can decide if you want to continue on a month by month basis, (providing I have availability and can accommodate this). Or If you decide you are ready and confident in sustaining your nutrition on your own, the option to stop nutrition coaching is also there.

Nutrition Coaching is not a long-term investment – the idea is after the 12 weeks you are confident in being able to sustain your nutrition in line with your goals and preferences. You are educated during our time together so you have the knowledge to do exactly that.

Keep in mind 12 weeks of Nutrition Coaching is different for everyone, pending your current knowledge, abilities, experience, etc. Some people MAY need more then 12 weeks of ongoing coaching to set them up for long lasting results and permanent change.

You have the option to pay upfront or on a monthly basis. Payment is required prior to working together. If paying monthly, you will be emailed monthly invoices for the month ahead. IF required we can discuss other payment plan options.

My app has the ability to connect with my fitness pal, so the answer is yes – however not all client goals will be required to track calories and macros this in depth. There are other ways to track your intake which are MUCH easier, less time consuming and just as accurate.

Definitely not, I don’t make you or want you to eat anything you don’t like. At the end of the day we want to enjoy the foods we are eating so that it is realistic and sustainable. Plus there are many other food options out there.

Initial and weekly nutrition consultations will generally be scheduled in on Wednesdays and Fridays (either in the morning, throughout the day or afternoons) – there is only selected after hour/evening appointments available, due to the fact that I am also in the gym working face to face with clients 3 days/nights a week). Weekends are unavailable as I do not work on weekends. If Wednesdays and Fridays don’t work, get in touch to potentially discuss another suitable time.

Words From Shanaye

A lot of women think they need to commit their whole life to their health and fitness journey to get results and see changes – and I see this time and time again women either going “all in” or “all out”. But the truth is you CAN make it a lifestyle so that it is sustainable, realistic, and focused on long term success. 

Stop looking for the next quick fix and actually get educated around exercise and nutrition so that you are confident in making it work for YOU based on YOUR lifestyle, your commitments, your preferences, your goals and needs.

I pride myself in creating a supportive environment for women and taking the “hard work” out of the journey to make it feel simple and easy whilst also focused on results. I help women create long lasting results AND have the ability to maintain results long term to be confident in enjoying a healthy, balanced lifestyle.

Shop Sk Bodyworks Recipe E-Books

Recipes that are focused on being easy, healthy and tasty! There is so much more to food than just eating it – you can find excitement in eating healthy foods that taste freaken’ great!

Sk bodyworks, person trainer, online fitness coach, womens fitness coach, nutrition coach, nutritionist, hawkesbury fitness, womens health, womens fitness, online fitness, online training, shanaye kuntze
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